Cindy Tonkin runs soft skills training for smart people. These are anonymous quotes from training feedback at the end of some of her in-house training sessions.

Cindy was a wonderful facilitator.
We were amazed at her energy levels and ability to hold the attention of the room for a full day.
Manager Business Operations, NSW Public Sector Organisation

Cindy – What a breath of fresh air!
She is so helpful, positive, excited and knowledgeable
PA to Head of Commercial, Multi-national

Cindy was fabulous. Fast, practical responses to real-life situations.
Business Partner, Start up

a delight!
Very engaging, very articulate.
Made it easy to listen and follow
Head of Creative, Start up

She is so motivational and enthusiastic whenever she speaks.
Fantastic personality.
Sales Support

Very relevant. She is wonderful,
L, Customer Service Manager Luxury Goods Retailer

I have had an epiphany and now think completely differently about presenting and even talking to people.

Yesterday I had to present my work to the company, and as nervous as I was beforehand, it went SO much better than expected! Several people even commented that they had no idea I was nervous! Thanks again so much.

I had to do a presentation at the Marketing Strategy meet in front of the GM and his whole team [after your presentation training].
I enjoyed the whole experience, answered loads of questions from the audience and felt totally engaged with them.
They told me I was the best presenter!
Sarah, formerly a very nervous presenter

Framework and tools to manage context and lead people to inspire exceptional performance
K, Senior Manager Strategy and Innovation, Luxury Goods Retailer

I liked the pace. The interactiveness, The examples, the stories.

We didn’t just focus on theory, we discussed individual needs and issues

I absolutely loved this training session – Cindy is not only a great trainer during the session, but she is excellent at improvising and making the session relevant

Cindy was very good at conveying the messages with appropriate jokes and stories. She was captivating. The session was excellent; can also be enhanced if it was longer!

I liked Cindy’s presentation style, very flexible to met the individual group needs.
people were honest and sharing
Cindy is an excellent facilitator – Thank you for being so engaging.
The most interactive course ever undertaken. This engagement meant the course was entertaining and did not feel like it was dragging on.
Refocused some of my current behaviour to provide better leadership of my team!
Cindy is a born presenter and great fun. Thanks for investing in your leaders.
Kath Tida
Very engaging. Cindy is a fabulous presenter
Peter K. Leadership Program Attendee
Cindy was engaging and connected with all attendees
Matt, Public Sector Director Leadership Program
Presenter was entertaining and engaged the group well. Held the class’ attnetion for the full day
Rob C, Leadership Workshop attendee
Held the classes’ attention for the full day
Rob C, Leadership Workshop attendee
Great technique, engagement use of activities, excellent knowledge and examples
Karen A
Cindy was a great presenter and trainer
Kerrie B
Cindy was very engaging being both informative and fun
Peter H
The subject matter was presented with lots of energy and talent
Peter D
Presenter held attention well. This was a challenge given amount of content and mixture of learning styles
Very clear, funny, gave great examples and felt comfortable to participate the session
Cindy was very engaging and had a light hearted approach which kept people interested and involved
Presenter was great and engaging – good real life examples
Put an insightful perspective on theories that made you think more
Gives me multiple perspectives of leadership
M, Brand General ManagerLuxury Goods Retailer
Being able to relate the lessons learned with real and actual feedback from the pre-work. It made the learning quite actionable and specific.
Head of Insights, Luxury Goods Retailer
Makes me see leadership from different perspectives. Realized that we are not alone in this journey.
Leadership is indeed a never-ending learning process. Thank you for giving me this opportunity!
E, Boutique Manager, Luxury Goods Retailer
Tools applicable immediately. Plenty of reflection. Implementable.
Financial Controller,Luxury Goods Retailer
Great pace mixed with theory, exercises, group, individual work and physical exercises along with open sharing with the program community enables me to re-discover my strengths,
R, Principal Store Manager Luxury Goods Retailer
Great to find other people’s views of myself and how different it is from mine. I will take this learning to improve on my weakness and maximise my strengths.
Head of Merchandising Luxury Goods Retailer
Emphasis on bringing concepts to work life
R, Principal Store Manager Luxury Goods Retailer
Clarifying and illuminating-it gives a lot of perspective on my leadership style… insights on how I can show some vulnerability during my interaction with my team.
Regional Marketing Director, Luxury Goods Retailer
This one of the best training sessions I have attended for quite some time so there are no suggestions for improvement. However I would suggest that Cindy be employed to run all of the other modules
Cindy was great and I’ve learnt a lot. I also learnt that I really enjoy it!
Cindy is a wonderful teacher with a wealth of knowledge, I would be thrilled to be taught by her again.
Cindy was fantastic at getting us in the right frame of mind . All the warming up and games that were done were conducive for the task. Week two I had a tough day at work and wasn’t feeling much like it, but after warming up, and laughing, I was ready to go.
Cindy was an amazing instructor, she over delivered the content with love and support. She gave the class this beautiful vibe, And I for sure learnt a lot from her and from the curriculum.
The facilitators was engaging and ensured that all members of the group participated in activities. It must be quite difficult to keep participants focused on the session in a virtual environment but Cindy’s personality and structure of the session helped to keep us on course.
She had an excellent voice! Cindy was very engaging and did an excellent job.
… engaging and willing to share experiences and listen and support participants’ comments. Cindy was vibrant and made it easy to stay focused with her energetic style and personality.
I didn’t want it to end, would have been happy to stay for hours.
That exercise changed my life! I notice myself being so much more cool and collected whenever I’m mindful of it, it has flipped my entire view of myself.
Olia B
Thank you again for your generosity, experience and amazing teaching ability. It was such a great personal experience to be taught by you last week. I learnt a lot and was very inspired – can’t ask for much more from a teacher than that!
Loved the class. Loved your style. Had lots of fun and learnt some more. Hope to again experience the energy, the approach, the mastery that is Cindy!