Cindy’s clients have much to say about her techniques and the outcomes she helps them achieve. They say she
She has helped her clients:
- increase confidence and presentation skills
- manage themselves better
- manage stakeholders better
- reduce anxiety and sleep more.

Cindy knows a lot
- Some invaluable concepts in leadership. I will remember some of them for the rest of my working career G, Executive Manager in a major bank
- You have so open heartedly and generously shared your hard-earned knowledge, ideas and enthusiasm with me. I want to say how grateful I am for all your encouragement and belief in what I do through my work. A-M, Independent Corporate Consultant
- Appreciate your sound guidance and wise counsel E, Executive General Manager in a major bank
- I learnt an enormous amount and was extremely impressed by both your knowledge and ‘bedside manner’ … I used an excellent question today, and it opened up a conversation which had become stuck. Nicola, General Manager of a Training Company.
- I found Monday really inspiring for me personally and will take this practical knowledge with me Barbara, Manager, Fundraising arm of a Cancer charity
Cindy uses plenty of practical techniques
- Plenty of sensible, down to earth food for thought. Thanks for helping put it all into perspective! Helen, Personnel Consultant
- You should be in politics then perhaps things would get done! Philippa, Internet entrepreneur
- I can’t believe the changes that are coming out of a 90 minute meeting. I think it has had more impact than the sum of all meetings I have had in my professional life. D, Senior Analyst, Research and Analytics department of a major bank
- Have been feeling really good about work and home, definitely using the positive thinking tool – shifting focus and continuing to find the joy. Vanessa, General Manager, Major Bank
- Your passion for people is very evident, inspiring and informative. Jacqui, Trainer and Facilitator
- I started to implement some techniques today – already getting results:) Chrys, Executive Manager, Major Bank
- wonderful feedback on how Project Officers talk a similar “language” these days, and have really taken on some of the ideas you presented them with Cath, Senior Public Servant managing a team of trainers
Improve your confidence and presentation skills
- I’ve taken the job… every time that I am in a meeting with senior management I focus on what is being said. I feel incredibly in control! I even had to deal with some tough customers tonight and I had great success. Gail, Manager in a Major Australian Transport and Distribution company – who had a bad experience in a recruitment interview which freaked her out
- I’ve got no idea where my old shell has gone. I think it’s still in the meeting room now down on level 7.I felt completely relaxed so thanks to yourself look out world the new me is coming Martin, Client Liaison, whose boss felt he was too introverted with customers
- I went [to a function at a former employers] without any nervousness or apprehension (wow what a change!). I don’t think I would have been able to go without my new tools AT, Lawyer, Construction Company
- Would you believe I have had three people tell me today that I look – light and happy!!! How cool is that? Michelle, Manager in a Multinational Utility.
- having you there through this time of change process is of immense assistance and comfort AC, Entrepreneur and Business Owner transitioning his business to a new manager
- it’s taking the stress off me, I just say “you could talk to Cindy about that”. He’s a new man. P, Entrepreneur’s life partner
- I owned the room, I visualised the moderator and focussed on what people were saying as a way of not thinking about my nervous stomach – and had the least amount of nerves EVER for a public speaking engagement. I changed my posture from relaxed to alertness and this noticeably increased my confidence. I made sure I got all my three points across! Well worth the Bank’s money Chris, Senior Manager, General Manager, Major Bank.

Manage yourself better
- I found yesterday’s session really valuable in terms of insights into [the department] and creating a shared view of some of the challenges ahead EC, Change Manager, Major Bank
- I’ve started putting more structure in my day, I’ve been working to more lists & hitting re-prioritisation head on and am actually feeling a good “high” at the end of the day after seeing how much I have been getting through. S, Executive Manager, Major Bank
- immediately after the session, every individual involved changed their behaviour Leanne, Lead Manager Learning and Knowledge, Major IT consultancy
- I’m really getting a lot out of these sessions, all the pieces are starting to fall into place. Also good to know that its normal to feel a bit lost or overwhelmed when first making the transition to management. Mark, former IT developer, now Manager of 10 staff in a small international IT firm
Manage stakeholders better
- Someone this week commented on how I had repositioned myself over the last few days (particularly with the PM who treats me with little regard). Anna, Senior Manager recovering from a crisis of confidence
- The usual weekly call lasted 40 mins rather than the 2 hours. I had 110% control, politely told them how things are going to work from now on. They lapped it up and [the customer] is now my best friend! AC Entrepreneur with Key Client Customer Service problems
- Feeling very confident and looking forward to the meeting rather than cringing at the thought – this empowering and taking control is good stuff C, Entrepreneur
- J is doin’ fine – a happy chappy. He has been excellent on the phones, seems to cope with things better. He has had three written customer compliments [in the past month]… has been awarded a “Customer First” Award and is about to get his second – now how fantastic is that!!!! Keith, Call Centre Sales Manager about one of his staff working with Cindy
- I was just thinking what an important person you have been for our business – we have so many referrals through you, plus you set the standard for course teachers. It was a very lucky day when Elizabeth gave me your name! Cate, Entrepreneur and Marketing Consultant
Reduce anxiety, sleep better
- slept through the night. Thank you, thank you thank you Elizabeth, Senior Manager, Major Bank, having problems sleeping due to work worries
- thanks so much for seeing P today. She’s just dropped by to tell me how fabulous you are (and how fabulous she now feels!). TW, Executive General Manager, Major Bank
- I felt so much better after I spoke to you that I cruised through the rest of the week feeling very calm Louise, General Manager, Major Bank, who had been feeling nervous about a presentation
- Still using the tools that you gave me [after 3 months] starting to consider a huge leap forward!Anne, Senior Project Manager, Construction company
- you left us feeling incredibly motivated excited and happy! Jeremy, Director of a Travel Consultancy.
For more information, referees and ideas,
Click here to book a time that suits you in Cindy’s diary
or call Cindy now on +61 412 135 426