This is a selection of articles on consulting skills. They are published articles, book extracts and online articles on a range of topics.
The articles below fall into these categories:
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Managing Yourself
- Shift Perspectives – create workplace peace – published in Leadership Excellence
- BPR your life! – making more with less at work
- Success breeds success – and how to keep it that way
- When part of you wants to kill the client! – what to do
- Get out of work on time! – published in Law Practice Management
- Stop procrastinating about procrastinating!
- The presuppositions of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
- The secret of every great speller
- Saying sorry
- I’m in overwhelm – get me out!
- Book sample Cindy Tonkin – Stay Cheerful – 89 things to do between consulting assignments
Deal more effectively with your team, clients and colleagues
- It’s not about the data: Office politics for geeks and technical people
- Working with your client’s way of thinking to make life easier: Helping your clients make faster decisions and Sell and manage clients using their own decision making strategies and their motivation style.
When you’ve answered their question a hundred times, but they ask it again…What to do - Things great presenters do (that you might want to copy)
- I got empathy – now what?
- Saying what you can’t say – using negative commands.
- Manage difficult staff
- Giving feedback people hear
- Hypnotic selling techniques
- Helping clients deal with change.
- Let me give you the big picture – with the i’s dotted and the t’s crossed – Dealing with detail people – published in Executive Excellence September 2004.
- Meeting new clients and dealing with tricky ones…Building rapport with your client.
- Getting recognised, appreciated and promoted – published in Executive Excellence March 2003
- Free sample of my Book: Cindy Tonkin – Consulting Mastery – The Ability Myth – Being Good is Not Enough
Consulting skills: train, facilitate and present
- Things great presenters do (that you might want to copy)
- Tips for setting up a training room effectively.
- When their attention wanders in a presentation: getting it back
- Getting more out of your team’s training time