Leadership success relies on political acumen. This isn’t about playing politics; it’s about being effective as a person, a manager, and as an organisational leader.
Programs I offer:
- Presentation Mastery
- Make no Sound like Yes
- Asking better questions
- And of course bespoke programs to meet your needs.
As a leader you rely on your team. They don’t just make you look good, they also can make you look bad
A happy, masterful, well-coordinated team can produce miracles. A poor performing team can let you down no matter how smart, clever or influential you are. Click here for signs that your team is lacking in political acumen.
Having the skills to navigate through the snakes-and-ladders of corporate relationships is something you owe yourself and your team.

Leadership success: True leaders are politically astute
By consciously developing your political acumen, you can:
- increase your personal power without compromising your integrity or taking advantage
- save your energy for the important things
- get the right advice
- protect yourself from political damage
- get ahead
- read the climate
- cultivate your influence
- manage your boss more effectively
- turn others’ political styles to your advantage
- survive and flourish in the face of nasty politics
- deal with difficult people.

True leaders build their team’s political acumen
Your success and your team’s success doesn’t only depend on how well you operate in the organisation. If you truly want your team and your team members to be successful, it’s your responsibility to ensure they act astutely. And if they haven’t got the natural gifts, mindset or incentives to do so, you need to act.
While these programs are public, I can work with you to create a program specific to your team, your context, your strategic challenges.
Public Programs to build your political acumen:
- Presentation Mastery
- Make no Sound like Yes
- Asking better questions
Call Cindy Tonkin on 0412 135 426 to discuss how easy it can be to build your team’s political acumen. Or get her to call you.
Read testimonials for Cindy’s training here.