Does performance management matter?
It’s always been clear that performance management systems cost organisations much time, money and...

Sleep more! You'll be glad you did
If you want to be smarter the best thing to do is add a...

Colours have meaning
How are you using colour in your dress, your office, your business card, your...

Get Lucky
From Eric Barker, a post about how to be luckier. It’s all based on...

Handwriting makes you smarter
You might type notes faster than you write them, but according to research, longhand...

Writing better!
You may not be writing fiction, but the tips in this article by Andrew Kevin...

Being the best isn't all there is
Margaret Heffernan’s TED talk below outlines how promoting only the best doesn’t always lead...

What you didn't know you needed to know
Watch Susan Colantuono on the missing 33% (TM). Aside from the annoying “tm” it’s got...

The complexity of creative personalities
Creative people are not easy to pin down. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the guy who described...

It's worth reading a book too...
Reading a book allows you to re-tell a story more effectively (compared to reading...