Your job has changed
Your job has changed: If you’re in management you’ll need to be able to...

How To Be Someone People Love To Talk To
I just love this: How To Be Someone People Love To Talk To. Everything you...

The Rejection Generator Project
If you’re writing, applying for grants, applying for jobs, or even online dating then...

See Cindy Tonkin Ignite Sydney live!
Update: You can see this Ignite talk here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azuu709oAq8 If you are in Sydney...

Cindy Tonkin on video
Cindy Tonkin spoke at Ignite Sydney in March 2015. If haven’t seen Ignite yet,...

Use better words
Writing an auto-responder, sales copy or a blog post? Try these words which convert...

Types of Social Support
There are different types of Social Support. EmotionalInstrumentalInformationalAppraisal What kind of support are you...

Introverts: a how-to
If you, like me, are extroverted, it can sometimes be difficult to not feel...

Learned Helplessness
Interesting take on Learned Helplessness in organisations: When people believe that their efforts at work don’t...

In case of nerves...
If you ever find yourself a little nervous before a presentation, interview or client...