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Consulting Well


Find your boss' number

Find your boss' number

Your boss has a button. Find out what it is. One of the easiest...

Cindy Tonkin January 4, 2015
Escalate Well

Escalate Well

In many offices, being politically astute means knowing when and what to escalate to...

Cindy Tonkin January 3, 2015
Know what your customer cares about

Know what your customer cares about

Getting ahead and building your reputation is hard if you give your customers marshmallows...

Cindy Tonkin January 2, 2015
You don't have to play, but you need to know the rules if you want to stay off the field!

You don't have to play, but you need to know the rules if you want to stay off the field!

You don't have to love office politics. You don't have to play office politics....

Cindy Tonkin January 1, 2015
Design and Planning

Design and Planning

The Relationship Between Design and Planning brings up some food for thought. "When situations do...

Cindy Tonkin December 23, 2014
How To Read People Like Sherlock Holmes

How To Read People Like Sherlock Holmes

Want to read people better? Read this article on Reading people like Sherlock Holmes does....

Cindy Tonkin December 22, 2014
Three Provocative Questions to Set Up Your 2015

Three Provocative Questions to Set Up Your 2015

Three Provocative Questions to Set Up Your 2015 gives you a way to think about...

Cindy Tonkin December 19, 2014
Decide quickly!

Decide quickly!

You want them to decide quickly. Why do some clients take so long to...

Cindy Tonkin December 15, 2014
24/7 working no go

24/7 working no go

Boston Consulting Groups made the news by encouraging their consultants to stop working 24-hour...

Cindy Tonkin December 12, 2014
Offsite business planning days

Offsite business planning days

So big organisations have regular "offsite" planning days (I know, not just because a...

Cindy Tonkin December 12, 2014