When not to use email
A recurring problem with political acumen is that it's the kind of things we...

6 influence principles, animated!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cFdCzN7RYbw 11 minutes of video from the Cialdini influence people, explaining his 6 principles...

Potential or Reality! What’s More Persuasive?
Research says your POTENTIAL attracts more interest than your track record. "if supporting information...

Potential works better!!
"if supporting information is provided immediately after attention is focused on potential (e.g. a...

No more geeks...let's speak people
I'm not surprised but apparently Sydney's Daily Telegraph thinks it's news: "the days of...

Your IQ Doesn't Matter
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb...

Why clients don't remember what has changed
An interesting take on why clients don't always remember that changes have been made: Storytelling...

How to Be Happier at Work
You'd want to be happier if you could, right? Here's a collection of ideas...

Practical tips for problem solving
Problems. We all have them. How to make cash flow this month. When to...

Innovation: My presentation at Thriving in Uncertainty: Applied Improv Network 2012
These are the flipcharts from the session I did on innovation at the Applied...