Politics of Conferences
This Seth Godin post about what makes a conference work poses an interesting dilemma. If you...
If you're not at your best after lunch, nap, don't meet!
I'm just pulling together some ideas about the things that some people think are...
Little things that make the big differences
This article in Fast Company suggests that a single change can make a big...
Career-Limiting Moves: 1
I collect Career Limiting Moves (CLMs). It's a strange hobby, I know! There used...
Productivity = deciding what to do next
A modern productive worker is someone who does a great job in figuring out...
Bad Bosses Cost a Fortune
This post on the cost of bad bosses is quite interesting. The info graphic...
When not to use email
A recurring problem with political acumen is that it's the kind of things we...
6 influence principles, animated!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cFdCzN7RYbw 11 minutes of video from the Cialdini influence people, explaining his 6 principles...
Potential or Reality! What’s More Persuasive?
Research says your POTENTIAL attracts more interest than your track record. "if supporting information...
Potential works better!!
"if supporting information is provided immediately after attention is focused on potential (e.g. a...