Free consulting templates and tips to make your life easier. These are tools and templates I have developed for clients or use myself.

And here are some other tools you can download free.
Listen to my podcast, Smarter Data People Leaders in Data Science and Analytics talk about how they work smarter, faster and nicer.
Free tools for data science consulting teams
- Smart Meeting Bingo: are you wasting 20 or 40% of your time in meetings?
- Briefing form (find out what they want)
- Internal Consultant’s Consulting Strengths Navigator (highlight what you’re good at and what you need to work on)
- A short workbook on Self-promotion: get recognised and appreciated
- Complex Insights Explainer: influence, persuade and seduce senior execs with your mighty data
- my Podcast: leaders in data science talking about how they work smarter, faster and nicer
Free tools for offsites
- DIY Offsite Games
- Offsite Planning Checklist
- Team User Manual for teams to get to know each other better – see here for an explanation.
- Pre Mortem template see here for an explanation.
Free consulting templates for independent consultants
- Pitch and Win Focuser for consultants trying to win work (This is not 6th grade Maths: don’t show me your work, show me the answer)
- Briefing form (find out what the client wants)
- Consulting Strengths Navigator (highlight what you’re good at and what you need to work on)
- Client Record Form to understand your client and their personality, tailor your proposals more effectively and remember who’s who in the zoo
- Invoice template
- Time-sheet template
- Action plan template
- Terms and conditions template
- Client record form template
- Client briefing form
- Magic charge out formula template (how much to charge consulting out at!)
- Consulting skills checklist
- Personal business plan template
How healthy is your business? Where are the gaps? Find out with these audit checklists.

Learn more about me, Cindy Tonkin