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Delegating well

Been collecting ideas around delegation for a little while. 

Here’s some of the good bits. 

Flex your style to the person and the task 

The idea of four quadrant leadership outlined in Leadership and the One Minute Manager – your delegation style CANNOT be how you like to manage people, it needs to be how THEY need to be managed – and it needs to change based on how they competent are at the task and how confident they are at the task.

Delegate a brand new task with more information than things they’re always doing.

Delegate to the extroverted, lonely team member with more feedback and reassurance than you delegate to the stand-offish team member. 

Some facts about delegating to Gen Z

This article outlines that Gen Z (in 2024, they are just entering the workforce) need way more hand-holding than Millenials did/do. 

Other posts on this blog about delegating:

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