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Forget Resolutions, What’s Your “Beautiful Question”

Questions are very powerful. In Before You Abandon Those Resolutions, Read This suggests that New Year’s resolutions phrased as questions are more effective (“How can I eat less fat?”  is much better than I will lose weight). Try it.

And this post from Seth Godin points out that sometimes the question isn’t about the question.

Franklin Covey studied people’s top 10 New Year’s resolutions:

1. Improve financial situation
2. Lose weight
3. Develop a healthy habit (eg, healthy eating, exercise)
4. Change employment
5. Develop a regular savings plan
6. Break an unhealthy habit (eg, smoking, alcohol, overeating)
7. Spend more time with family and friends
8. Other
9. Get organised
10. Develop a new skill or talent

Which of these top ten goals do you have? How are you going in getting there?

Here’s what’s interesting about this: the study showed 2010 goals compared to 2009 goals (I couldn’t find any data from them on 2011). While the order changed a little there was very little change in the top 10. So we know what we want. It just gets hard to do it alone.

We all need a coach!!

when people are trying to motivate themselves to do something, questions actually work better than statements or commands. In other words, asking “Will I do X?” or “How might I do X?” is more motivating than declaring “I will do X!”

from Forget Resolutions, What’s Your “Beautiful Question”

So if you want to make a beautiful question and then plan it, try How do you plan for the new year? from Michael Bungay Stanier. He offers 5 approaches to planning for the new year.

And here’s Dan Pink on the best way to make a resolution (fired by regrets and if only’s )

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