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How your brain works!

Knowing how your brain works is key to living a healthy, happy, productive life.

For example, did you realise that most schools and workplaces are designed to switch off the brain? That mid-afternoon meetings in the “nap zone” are a waste of time and effort?

Do you know why Starbucks spends more on health care than on coffee beans? These are all related to how your brain works.

Here are some “rules” for how the brain works:

  • exercise boosts brain power
  • the human brain evolved (and continues to do so)
  • every brain is wired differently
  • we don’t pay attention to boring things
  • repeat things to remember them (for short term memory)
  • remember to repeat (for long term memory)
  • if you sleep well you think well
  • stressed brains learn differently
  • stimulate as many of the senses as possible
  • vision trumps all of the other senses
  • male and female brains are different.

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