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Smarter change

Story-telling: risk is exciting!

We just got back from a cool job in Vietnam.

We helped 42 accountants find their inner story teller in front of 100 of their peers. The program was part of a broader agenda for corporate social responsibility, and was quite impressively managed and pulled together.

We used a process we call Epic Journey, involving story arcs, colour and movement. Epic Journey allows a group to devise a series of story which hangs together nicely!

We were one of 3 “artistic” providers, and ours was the greatest risk. It was quite clear that playing it safe artistically may be comforting, and the participants who did the other streams were comfortable: the greater the (perceived) risk the greater the return though – our guys were on the biggest high after their show.

Also so good to see a level of innovation within the group which paralleled some of the more inventive people we know!

What’s the innovation profile of your team?

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