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15: Jeremy Corbet: Resilience

Consultants' Consultant
Consultants' Consultant
15: Jeremy Corbet: Resilience

Jeremy Corbet is a recruiter who helps Data Scientists and Analysts find jobs. He is based in Sydney, Australia and is originally from France. Here is his Linked In Profile.

In this podcast Jeremy and I discuss what makes for a good data analyst, what clients ask for when searching for the right data analyst, the differences between the Australian and the French market, and the importance of resilience.

Scroll down for a transcript of the entire episode.

Resources Jeremy mentions

Jeremy’s favourite charity is UNICEF

He listens to podcasts from Tony Robbins

He goes to Meet ups to meet new people and understand the technologies better.

Jeremy Corbet Episode Transcript

Cindy Tonkin [00:00:06] Hi there this is Cindy Tonkin. I’m the consultant’s consultant I work with data science teams helping them work even smarter faster and nicer. If you are brilliant and you want to be even better this is the podcast for you.

Cindy Tonkin [00:00:25] Ladies and gentlemen today I have with me the amazing Jeremy Corbet. We met what six months ago, you were new to Australia then.

Jeremy Corbet [00:00:35] I arrived two years ago maybe.

Cindy Tonkin [00:00:37] So we met here at the Wework offices in Martin place where we are today and Jeremy came and we talked about things data. Jeremy would you tell my amazing listeners about who you are Jeremy?

Jeremy Corbet [00:00:55] Jeremy Corbet, I come from France. I’m a recruiter here. I used to recruit in the financial space back in Europe but two years ago I decided to come to Australia. And over the last two years it’s been kind of an amazing change for me because I didn’t know anything about Australia. I had to learn everything basically about industry because I didn’t know anything about the data industry which is the industry I focus on. And I didn’t know much about the Australian market about Australian law in terms of employment.  So I had to learn everything from scratch which is a good challenge, I love it! And I have been enjoying it for about two years now.

Cindy Tonkin [00:01:45] And your background’s engineering, is it?

Jeremy Corbet [00:01:47] No my background is actually in business so I went to a business school in France. I studied entrepreneurship and a bit of finance as well. But yeah my core focus was entrepreneurship.

Cindy Tonkin [00:02:02] Cool. Excellent. So let’s start with the first question. How do you work smarter? What are your personal habits and routines that allow you to work smarter because your job, it’s complex. 

Jeremy Corbet [00:02:17] Yeah. This job can keep you busy. Like very busy. The recruitment industry is in Australia it’s huge and diverse. Australia is a great market. Unemployment rate is very low. If you compare to France or Belgium which are countries that I know, and have worked in.

[00:02:39] What’s the difference in percentage, do you know off hand?

Jeremy Corbet [00:02:42] I reckon in Sydney, the unemployment rate is about 4 percent. In France it’s about 10 percent and it’s been 10 percent over the last 30 years. So it’s quite a very different market definitely.

Jeremy Corbet [00:02:59] So a different approach as I said at the beginning I learned a lot because you have to adapt to a different context to a different market and industry. So yeah as I said it’s huge, diverse full of opportunities. But you can get lost.

Cindy Tonkin [00:03:18] Yeah.

Jeremy Corbet [00:03:20] As a recruiter, especially when you come from overseas. You can definitely get lost. So to approach this market and get outcome of your work. I think you need to think about working smarter, especially to beat the competition because in Australia recruitment is big. There are lots of recruiters I heard when I started interviewing two years ago I heard that Sydney is apparently the second biggest market in terms of recruitment. But in terms of competition the most competitive. Second most competitive market in the world after London.

Cindy Tonkin [00:04:01] So that’s good for the people who are being recruited. Ike recruits will be hunted.

Jeremy Corbet [00:04:04] Certainly will be at it. But yeah you need to be careful as a candidate or even as a client because it’s kind of a jungle. There are a lot of recruiters, different recruiters and that it’s like in every industry, in every market, you need to pick up the right recruiter. You want to build a partnership with.

Cindy Tonkin [00:04:27] Why should candidates come to you? Why should clients come to you? What do you do that’s different?

Jeremy Corbet [00:04:34] Yes. I think one of my key focuses is to specialize in and pick up niche areas, niche technologies in the market.  As I said in recruitment you can get lost you can chase opportunities that are not going to pay off. And my idea is that I’m just focusing on a couple of niche technologies where there is a demand. So there are clients but there is also the skills shortage which means that my clients or potential clients are struggling to recruit these skill sets.

Cindy Tonkin [00:05:16] Right.

Jeremy Corbet [00:05:17] So that’s how I built my portfolio of clients and my network of candidates. I could also look at biggest markets. Here the biggest technology is here but that’s also where you find the biggest competition.

Cindy Tonkin [00:05:38] So your niche is what? What’s your niche specifically?

Jeremy Corbet [00:05:43] If you look at data I work across the backend and the front end, which means that traditional data warehousing, data lakes, takes big data housing. So technology such as Spark, Python, cloud technologies as well, AWS, GCP, but also front end, so visualisation stuff, such as Power BI, Preview and Tableau. So that’s how I see the markets and what I’ve decided to do is to pick up these technologies. So I’ve been focusing over the last five months on Google cloud because it’s picking up. It’s growing a lot. They’ve decided to invest a lot in Australia. So this market is booming you can see more and more projects in that space. Yeah and that’s kind of interesting for me that’s what I like doing and I see that’s where I can build a network easier.

Cindy Tonkin [00:06:47] Yes.

Jeremy Corbet [00:06:50] That’s how I can get value to my clients.

Cindy Tonkin [00:06:56] Beautiful. And that’s what clients are asking for, right? What are candidates looking for in your opinion? What have you found that people are looking for?

Jeremy Corbet [00:07:11] It’s an interesting question because I’ve been through many situations and over the last couple of years I’ve learned a lot in recruitment and in relationships with candidates as well as clients. But on the candidate side of things I think one of the key things is quite basic but it’s a rule of thumb which is transparency. You cannot play with candidates while talking about their next job so you cannot to play with people’s lives. I mean. To me like I’ve seen so many recruiters all overpromising but it’s useless because at the end of the day you know that you’re going to go through a long interview process and you’re going to waste people’s time because you’re going to have a surprise at the end of the process where the candidates is not going to be happy with the salary for instance or is not going to be happy with the job itself.

Cindy Tonkin [00:08:11] So you want to be as up front as possible. The thing that I find curious about the recruitment process and most people seem to not be aware of as candidates is that someone is always going to lose. ‘Cause if you’re down to the last two, someone’s got to lose. They’ve got to not get the job so that the other person can get a job. And people are kind of like I’m down to the last interview, I’m the last. I’m the second last. And yeah but you could be 2nd, not first. And therefore not… and there’s a lot of sorrow. And people don’t anticipate that they are gonna lose!

Jeremy Corbet [00:08:42] There is a lot of frustration on every side. It can be the client side or my side as well and I’m the middle man so I am in the middle of these emotional issues.

Jeremy Corbet [00:08:54] Definitely.

Cindy Tonkin [00:08:55] Because you’re kind of the broker of both trying to make the candidate happy and also keep the client happy and you can’t do one without the other.

Jeremy Corbet  [00:09:03] Yeah absolutely. Definitely. One of the key things in recruitment is to deal with expectations, so managing people’s expectations on every side. Because as I said you can overpromise but it’s not going to work and you have also to make people aware of what can happen next.

Jeremy Corbet [00:09:30] And that’s a key challenge and another thing is motivations, to answer your first question. I think as a recruiter if I want my candidate to come to me I need to understand them and I need to understand their motivations: why they are looking for a new job, What will they be looking for in their next opportunity, what matters to them, what they don’t want in an opportunity. These kinds of things because you can push a candidate into a job. I think at the end of the day it’s not going to pay off in the long term. I could potentially place someone for six months and then after six months this candidate will realize “this is not a job for me”.

Cindy Tonkin [00:10:26] It has not the right balance or it’s not got the challenge or the opportunity to play or it’s whatever the thing is. So what are the kinds of things that candidates want that you help you place them because they have that thing? What is it?  Is it stuff like curiosity, is it life balance, what do people ask for?

Jeremy Corbet [00:10:45] Yeah it’s a mix it’s an equation that’s you have to find. We are talking about a tech market. Which means the first thing would be around the technology because there are some people working on traditional data warehousing, some other people are willing to go towards Big Data, Data Science, which by the way is one of the most like sexiest jobs in Australia.

Cindy Tonkin [00:11:05] Absolutely. Data science, Decision Science, analytical professionals whatever you want to call them, yes, it’s the new black.

Jeremy Corbet [00:11:21] So yes that’s part of their motivation. So looking at the technologies that they want to learn the technology, they want to skill up. But their motivations can be around work life balance, work flexibility, if you want to work from home. Yeah all these kind of parameters. Both at the end of the day I think one of the most important things is the work environment and the challenge that a company can offer because people generally are much more attracted by the challenge and are happy to work harder if the challenge is here. rather than just going to work every day and not enjoying it but having a better work life balance. Yeah I see in the market that people are interested in learning new technologies and in getting involved in challenging projects.

Cindy Tonkin [00:12:27] Is there anything that you know people hate. Like do you get people consistently saying: I definitely don’t want something that “blank”. What are the things we’re avoiding?

Jeremy Corbet [00:12:41] That’s a very good question. .

Cindy Tonkin [00:12:47] Jeremy has actually done a lot of preparation. so he’s actually got notes. Let me come back to that and we can come back at the end as you think through.

Jeremy Corbet [00:12:55] Yeah we can definitely come back, absolutely.

Cindy Tonkin [00:12:56] What about the lessons you’ve learned? In terms of your lessons you’ve learned or.

Jeremy Corbet [00:13:06] Yeah in terms of the lessons that I’ve learned, Yeah as I said this recruitment industry keeps you busy it’s huge, you can get lost, and you have to be I think resilient and get the right discipline.

Cindy Tonkin [00:13:24] So how do you do that.

Jeremy Corbet [00:13:24] for this job to be successful obviously. What I do myself is all about the routines that I’ve got and I think it helps me to go through tough times and get more outcomes. For instance like in the morning it thing is I’m not a morning person so for me it’s very hard to be fully awake.  So at some point I realise I need to work on that. So every day I ride my bike to go to work which helps me definitely to be awake.

Cindy Tonkin [00:14:10] So you ride from home to work.

Jeremy Corbet [00:14:11] Yeah it’s about 21 kilometres. Oh yes it’s a 30 minute commute and then at work I’m having a cold shower.

Cindy Tonkin [00:14:25] At the end of trip facilities yes.

Jeremy Corbet [00:14:28] It’s so good, and then I just start my day and set up.

Cindy Tonkin [00:14:31] And that wakes your brain doesn’t it?

Jeremy Corbet [00:14:35] Yeah I’m definitely set up to start my day. And to engage because engagement is so important.

Cindy Tonkin [00:14:42] And do you spend a lot of time kind of schmoozing, do you go to network events, do you go to… what do you do?

Jeremy Corbet [00:14:48] Yeah that’s one of the best ways to build your network. Meeting people in person that’s such a great way you understand better the work environment and know what’s happening in the markets. Technology wise and project wise so definitely that’s something I do a lot.

Cindy Tonkin [00:15:07] So are there particular events that you like.

Jeremy Corbet [00:15:09] I like meet ups. So basically what I do is pick out some Technology events. So let’s say Google. so there is a meet up on Google, so I go there. Microsoft Azure or any type of technology event. Yeah I just go there and meet people.

Cindy Tonkin [00:15:31] And it’s your job just to try to find that so a normal data analyst wouldn’t necessarily be doing that. And a manager of data analysts might be doing this kind of thing just to keep up with what’s new. How many times a week do you go to some kind of networking thing like a meet up?

Jeremy Corbet [00:15:52] it really depends, but I’d say I would go to about two meet ups a month. Yeah it’s such a good way to meet people as I said, but the thing is that I have to pick up the technology still. The technologies that I want to focus on because you can go and meet the entire world, but you waste your time.

Cindy Tonkin [00:16:18] You don’t want a scatter gun, you want a laser focus to kind of go these are the ones.

Jeremy Corbet [00:16:22] It’s still interesting because you learn a lot but you need to focus on what brings return on investment as well.

Jeremy Corbet [00:16:31] Another thing I wanted to come to discuss about and to answer your question about the lessons that I’ve learned one of them is accepting failure.

Cindy Tonkin [00:16:44] Tell me more about that.

Jeremy Corbet [00:16:46] I think that’s something so crucial because it is a sales job. So in sales jobs you’ve got ups and downs and you have to go through that and you’re going to fall and that’s when you are gonna fall that you’re gonna learn. you’re gonna reach your limits, you’re going to know what limits you have and therefore you’re going to learn how to overcome your limits. And that’s to me that’s a cycle to achievement. and that’s how I overcome all the difficulties I push harder and harder. And then being resilient as I said before helps me to get outcomes and be better off.

Cindy Tonkin [00:17:36] Absolutely. It’s a good lesson to learn as a life lesson. It’s not just about your career.

Jeremy Corbet [00:17:41] It’s not just about jobs; it’s also about your personal life, definitely.

Cindy Tonkin [00:17:46] You must see hundreds of candidates who have failed in one career and started a new one or have failed in one job then got a new one. What are you seeing in terms of what do people get over. What are the kinds of failures that people can get over and recover from? 

Jeremy Corbet [00:18:09] Um yeah that’s right. some people they go one way and just realise that it was not the right way for them. They don’t like their job and they want just change. I myself I did that.  I used to have a restaurant. I used to run two restaurants back in France. A Catering service as well. So it was a very interesting business with a lot of challenge. but it didn’t match my life expectations because I wanted to move and I wanted to discover the world to go overseas and with this business I was just tied to this business and I couldn’t move.

Jeremy Corbet [00:18:55] So I decided to sell this business and start fresh a new adventure. And that’s how I ended up in recruitment. I was looking for a job and I met recruiters and one of their jobs was actually one of them. Yeah they were saying why don’t you become a recruiter for us. I was like that’s a good idea. So I ended up with recruitment.

Cindy Tonkin [00:19:22] And that was in France or in Belgium.

Jeremy Corbet [00:19:24] That was in Belgium. I totally understand this kind of career.

Cindy Tonkin [00:19:34] Reinvention, isn’t it.

Jeremy Corbet [00:19:36] everyone makes mistakes and that’s totally normal. Obviously when you’ve got a client in front of you and this client is working on a project they are looking for the unicorn all the time.  So they are looking for the perfect CV with a perfect background. But we are humans and we make mistakes and we make changes in our career. So this is something that we have to understand. And I mean lots of people understand that definitely. I have recently placed someone. She was working in UX/UI designed. And she recently changed her career to data so she studied. Besides her job in UX/UI she studied data she did a masters degree in data and yeah she passed it. Then she started working on a data engineering project. And that’s when we when we met.

Cindy Tonkin [00:20:38] So she was able to pivot essentially.

Jeremy Corbet [00:20:39] She pivoted, she made this pivot. And I think that’s actually rich of diverse experience and that brings a lot to your career. Definitely If I  to look at my previous experience in the restaurant industry, I learnt so much and that’s helping me today to go through the tough times that I was mentioning before.  In restaurants you know that you have to work hard you work sometimes. I was starting at 6am and I was working till midnight and even later. And that happens lots.

Cindy Tonkin [00:21:18] It’s a very demanding job.

Jeremy Corbet [00:21:21] Yeah definitely. And you know in this industry you’ve got your friends just in front of you and they want to eat. So you have to be to bring them some quality food at the right time and that’s very challenging as a job very demanding. So yeah I learned a lot and I think lots of candidates when they’ve got a different career. They learn a lot about another job, another industry, and they can bring these qualities into their current job or in their current industry.

Cindy Tonkin [00:21:57] Totally I’ve interviewed some of them on other podcast Mohammed Elteibi came from technology into data science 15, 20 years ago. David Scott came from call centre management data over a period of time. There’s a quite a number of the people I’ve interviewed for the podcast have basically pivoted from one career into another and it is still happening I had a friend last week come talk to me, he’s been in actuarial stuff in a major bank for 20 years. He was like “I think I would like to be a data scientist. Can you talk to me about what that is” I’m like “Whoa, I’m not a data scientist but I can tell you what I know” and he was like, “I think that’s the next pivot is to move in data science”. Chris Carr who is “in the analytics space”, as he calls it in a major bank. I interviewed him last week and his podcast will be up by the time this one is. And he was talking about if he were to start from scratch and build an analytic capability right now he would start with business people who had the potential to understand analytics. So he’s be pivoting people out of business into data because a lot of the thinking and the understanding is “what’s the problem we’ve got here: Pivoting is not uncommon.

Jeremy Corbet [00:23:27] I know some very innovative companies they’re also interested actually in this kind of mixed career because that’s I think that’s where the innovation comes from. Because you can get ideas coming from a very different background and that will bring. that would break down an industry.

Cindy Tonkin [00:23:52] So what questions have I not asked that you would like to answer? I think my specialty is recruitment.

Jeremy Corbet [00:24:05] And yeah one of your questions was “What makes a good data person”.

Cindy Tonkin [00:24:14] Ah yes, I always ask that question. Please tell me what you think.

Jeremy Corbet [00:24:17] So obviously this is a tech market. So as a recruiter the first screening will be around the technology.

Cindy Tonkin [00:24:31] If you can’t count… you’re nodding yeah.

Jeremy Corbet [00:24:34] So yeah definitely. So that’s a key thing. But what I hear from a lot of clients when I’m asking for their requirements for what they are looking for, what they say is, I hear many things like I want someone who can speak, someone who I can enjoy having a conversation with.

Cindy Tonkin [00:24:59] Ah, I don’t think they even know that that’s important. And yet the number of managers who say “It’s just as a pleasure to work with < Insert Name Here>, I want ten of them on my team.

Jeremy Corbet [00:25:12] Yeah that’s a funny thing because you wouldn’t necessarily think about that, but this is quite basic like I remember this manager saying I just want to have someone I can enjoy a conversation with and it’s basic. Yeah definitely. But at the end of the day people in this market are not recruiting for technology skills only, they are recruiting for soft skills and that’s what you mention about pivoting, getting business people more involved in the data space like upgrade them in terms of technical skills because they understand the business issues. They understand the business issues that the company’s addressing. And that’s a key thing. the soft skills are so important. That’s yeah. The second thing was about the business. I hear so many managers saying “I want someone who can understand the business issue”

Cindy Tonkin [00:26:17] Yeah. So if they can’t get the context then they can’t know what problem to solve.

Jeremy Corbet [00:26:21] so obviously the technology is important but at the end of the day you can teach new technology  to people but teaching them soft skills, that’s your specialty, that’s super hard.

Cindy Tonkin [00:26:36] You can’t turn someone who doesn’t like people to someone who likes people. So part of it is even the raw soft skills of they like people is a thing you can recruit to even if they haven’t got the ability to say you “no” but make it sound nice or  the ability to ask questions to get to the root of the problem. You could teach those things she can’t teach ’em to like people. So there are some basic foundational things but I think most people like people.

Jeremy Corbet [00:27:17] That’s is a philosophical question definitely.

Cindy Tonkin [00:27:22] Are there any other kind of lacunes in the things? Things you’re looking for that people haven’t got yet. or you’re seeing a scarcity of.

Jeremy Corbet [00:27:31] In terms of technical skills or soft skills.

Cindy Tonkin [00:27:36] Yes or just generally as skills of the data analytics scientists etc.

Jeremy Corbet [00:27:42] Yeah I think the major issue is what I just mentioned about soft skills because you can find very strong technical people in this market. People passionate about developing advanced analytics models, passionate about just building a website for instance and make it optimized, efficient. But these soft skills side of things that is the thing I’m struggling to find. Clients are actually calling me to find this because they are struggling as well. So that’s a key thing and as a recruiter I think that’s my biggest challenge. And what I enjoy doing which is challenging people on what they’ve done, explaining a bit about how they interact with people, how they approach a business issue how they come up with solutions. If they’ve done some personal studies if they look at new technology in their personal time, if they are passionate about something in particular… And that’s how I end up finding these unicorns.

Cindy Tonkin [00:29:04] Yes absolutely. Glen Bell who I interviewed just last week he was talking about looking for people who don’t sleepwalk through life.

Jeremy Corbet [00:29:14] Yeah, that’s totally true.

Cindy Tonkin [00:29:16] And there’s a consistent pattern in the people that I have  asked because obviously I’m asking the question “What’s a good data analyst all the way through and there is a consistent pattern as you say of I kind of want to know that these people are going out and find something out. that they’re going to ask a client, they’re going to try and understand the situation rather than just answering the question based on a brief or a spec that they’ve never spoken to a client that just work because the client doesn’t even know what they WANT most of the time.

Jeremy Corbet [00:29:50] Yeah, that’s true, definitely

Cindy Tonkin [00:29:53] So is there anything else you want to say.

Jeremy Corbet [00:30:00] No not necessarily.

Cindy Tonkin [00:30:02] What’s your favourite charity.

Jeremy Corbet [00:30:07] My favourite charity is UNICEF.

Cindy Tonkin [00:30:11] And why?

Jeremy Corbet [00:30:12] We didn’t choose to be born where we were born and we don’t choose these kind of things.  so for me it’s fundamental to get the highest chances to succeed in life, look after the kids, growing in a safe environment, education is super important. And yeah these kind of organisations which is looking after these children and helping them to meet the basic needs. Helping them with education that brings them the basics. And that’s so key for me.

Cindy Tonkin [00:31:09] Yeah definitely. So you’ve come from France. Which part of France?

Jeremy Corbet [00:31:13] Normandy.

Cindy Tonkin [00:31:15] Normandy, ok. And do you go home frequently?

Jeremy Corbet [00:31:18] About once a year.

Cindy Tonkin [00:31:20] Winter or summer?

Jeremy Corbet [00:31:24] So I did winter last time goes but I kind of regret it. So next time I go back in summer yeah.

Cindy Tonkin [00:31:34] The difficulty is that’s often a very key period because end of financial year here. I’d love to be there every summer. I had Christina Igasto who is from Sweden. I asked her about what her perceptions were of the differences or strange things about Australians. So he got me. What’s your impression?  It’s been two years. What do we do well or weirdly or badly if you like compared to your experience in Europe?

Jeremy Corbet [00:32:13] Yeah that’s an interesting question. I like this question as well.

Cindy Tonkin [00:32:17] Ah the question without notice but yes.

Jeremy Corbet [00:32:20] I think the first thing I really enjoyed about Australia, apart from the weather, is people because here in Australia it’s all about relationship. It’s all about when you work and want to grow your business. it’s all about meeting people having coffee with them. Whereas when I was back in Europe and I started recruitment in Europe it was all about transactions. It was such a transactional market. You know I almost never met any clients back in Europe. I met them after placing people with them. whereas here it’s going to be difficult to place candidates without meeting your client. because yeah as I said people are very appreciate that – Meeting with the people they work with. And at the end of the day that’s something I really enjoy because that’s how you can understand better what they are after, their business challenges, etc. so to me that’s a where I am able to provide a better quality service. So that’s something that I realised when I arrived here in Australia. Another thing. Is that. It’s a tiny market yes shortcuts. The population is about 24 million I believe in Australia. In Europe it’s so much bigger.

Cindy Tonkin [00:33:58] And then Paris has probably got almost many people as we have (or greater Paris) as we have in our entire country.

Jeremy Corbet [00:34:07] So that’s also why I believe people meeting each other because it’s a small world everyone knows each other here.

Cindy Tonkin [00:34:15] It’s a village to a certain extent.

Jeremy Corbet [00:34:16] Yeah it is kind of a village. Definitely yeah.

Cindy Tonkin: And certainly in the data analytics space that’s true. because despite what linked in tells us which (I keep saying this) there’s 250,000 people say that they are data analytics people on LinkedIn. but that doesn’t make any sense.

Jeremy Corbet [00:34:38] no absolutely not.

Cindy Tonkin [00:34:38] There’s one person in 48 is a data analyst? I don’t think so!

Jeremy Corbet [00:34:42]  Yeah definitely like even data scientists like  everyone is so trendy. Everyone is like “I am a data scientist”. Yes it’s also like where to differentiate the real data scientist compares to the ones that are more aspiring data scientists.

Cindy Tonkin [00:35:02] And yes I did actually have a client I was having lunch with a client. She told me she was a data analyst. I’m like “really, I’ve known you for years. How come you’re a data analyst?” “Oh, I use spreadsheets!” I don’t think that word means what you think it means. So anything else you want to say anything any words to the wise or wisdoms or lessons learned.

Jeremy Corbet [00:35:33] I think I spoke about resilience. I spoke about accepting failures and these are scenes that are really important to me at the moment. I’m learning a lot around that actually I’m focusing on learning. Listening to TED talks listening to motivational speeches.

Cindy Tonkin [00:35:55] Have you got a favorite TED Talk.

Jeremy Corbet [00:35:58] No not necessarily. I like some people like Tony Robbins obviously and lots of I’m listening to a lot of motivational speeches and yeah that’s something I really enjoy doing and that’s helping me on a daily basis.

Cindy Tonkin [00:36:18] To just keep you resilient, it keeps you going.

Jeremy Corbet [00:36:19] Yeah exactly. Yeah that’s one of the key things that I’m currently living with. Every day on my bike I’m listening to some new stuff. And yeah.

Cindy Tonkin [00:36:32] Have you got a favorite podcast or favorite speakers that you like to listen to.

Jeremy Corbet [00:36:37] Yeah as I mentioned Tony Robbins is definitely a key one. apart from that I listen to a lot of. TED talks, a lot of variety of different things. Not necessarily one specific thing.

Cindy Tonkin [00:36:57] Thank you for taking the time not only to come and speak to me but to have thought about it in advance so that we’re getting to the true you. Thank you Jeremy it’s been wonderful and we will maybe do it again in six months and see what’s changed.

Jeremy Corbet: [00:37:11] Thanks it was a good experience, I loved it! [00

Cindy Tonkin: [00:37:22] This is Cindy Tonkin. I’m a consultant consultant and you’ve been listening to smarter data people. This is part of what I do to understand how it is that data scientists can be more effective in the workplace, smarter faster and nicer. And if you have a team and you’re finding them harder to manage than they could be. If you’re constantly trying to squeeze more out of your budget and out of their time. And if you’ve got stakeholders or they’ve got stakeholders who are less than happy sometimes (maybe a lot more than sometimes). It can be really annoying and it can make YOU feel incompetent. I can help you help them get to the important problems faster, target the wasted time and save you time and money, and ultimately delight stakeholders so that you can feel competent again. It’s such a good feeling. Talk to me

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