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It’s Official: Setting up your Australian Consultancy Properly

$0.00$1.00 incl GST


Note: This is a virtual product: you are buying a PDF or kindle file

It’s Official: Setting up your Australian Consultancy answers all the niggly little questions about what you need to do, to whom you need to speak to set up a consultancy in Australia.


It’s official: setting your Australian Consultancy Properly outlines all you need to know to set up your practice in the Australian context.

When you start your business you need to:

  • decide what sort of entity you will set up to make the money
  • let the officials know you’re in business (especially the Australian Tax Office)
  • insure yourself against major risks
  • find professionals who can give advice
  • let clients know you’re in business
  • have somewhere to put your money (and borrow money if necessary).

You’ll find all of these things outlined in this book!

Each method is described step-by-step, with Cindy Tonkin’s classic stories from the real world of consulting.

The Australian Consultant’s Guide was published in 1999 and sold more than 7000 copies. In 2014 the book was separated into a number of shorter e-books, so that you can buy just the parts you need. You can buy in pdf or kindle format.

If you would like to buy all of the books, then purchase the Consultant’s  Guide Series.

There is no hard copy of this book, although you can try borrowing the original hard copy from your local library (good luck! we only just had the internet then!).

No of words: 15,985

No of pages: 56 + plus sample chapter


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