Writing procedures that last
Notes from a recent job where I was updating Standard Operating Procedures for a...

Types of Change Management
Ongoing quest to find out what people mean by Change Management has unearthed this...

Changing thoughts
I've been accumulating little tips and tricks about how I make change happen in...

Models for changing minds
Ultimately organisational change is what I've been doing my entire professional life. Initially as...

You know what, there are always 2 types of people. Which type are you?...

Changing Minds - defining change management
So, Change Management. I've been working in getting people to adapt to and adopt...

Change is a Safety Risk
So this happened in Victoria recently. Inadequate change management is the cause, they say....

Culture Change
Adam Grant interviewed on Eat Sleep Work Repeat (Bruce Daisley) talking about culture change....

Test Environment
The Curse of Knowledge suggests that when we know something we assume everyone knows...

Storytelling for Bold Change
Recently read this article in Harvard Business Review about storytelling and change. Here are...