Types of people
I love the t-shirt that reads There are 10 types of people: Those who...
Musical inspiration
What I love about this series of tik-tok posts is how each element adds...
Don't be a bureaucrat
Check out how to not be a bureaucrat (and by extension changeĀ the bureaucracy you're...
Geniuses and Butterflies
Being smart is useful, but if you don't have the ability or propensity to...
Making work better
I so much enjoyed the lively debate and conversationĀ in a podcast from Adam Grant:...
A heap of inspiring speeches
A fabulous list of inspiring speeches. And then give yourself a pep talk with...
Solving problems themselves
This podcast from Shane Parrish talks with Greg Walton from Stanford, specifically looking at...
Miserable teams are not so effective. If you have miserable people in your office,...
Soft skills for data science: What makes a smarter data person?
What makes a smarter data person? Clearly we're assuming that technical skills are the...
Make someone feel good
Podcast from Sheryl Sandberg and Katie Couric make this astute observation. They say people...