Five Problems for Data Science Consulting teams
There are five key problems for data scientist consulting teams right now. The key...

Office Politics: How to know if this hill is worth dying on
Office Politics comes with the territory: how to know if the hill is worth...

Get More Value for Your Training
Make the most of your training time and money by whipping your team into...

Saying Sorry is an art
Saying sorry is an art. We’ve all been there when something goes wrong. Your...

Seven Good Reasons to Document What You Do*
Here are seven good reasons to document what you do. You’re busy! You know...

Office politics for Technical People (Geeks)
No one is as smart as you. But smarter doesn’t move you up the...

Toxic CEO – 7 truths on dealing with them
There are many brands of toxic CEO. Your toxic CEO could be a prima...

Are you smart enough to read this post? Why small talk is important
This is a primer on office politics for geeks and technical people. If you're...

Offsite agenda template
This post and others like are a Book. Download it free. Here's an offsite...

Signs you have a political acumen problem in your team
If you answer yes to three or more of these questions then you have a...