Commonly misused words
Due to the imminent departure of an eminent official, we'll be delaying our afternoon...

38 common spelling and grammar errors
Check out Mental Floss' common spelling and grammar errors. I like this video because:...

Filler words we, like, don't need
We all, um, like, use basically unnecessary words. Here are some that, well, you...

9 Commonly confused words
If you are not literally dying of embarassment right now but are in fact...

Word Crimes from Weird Al
In case you'd like to see it again, here's Weird Al's Word Crimes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Gv0H-vPoDc

Branding: writing a book
https://youtu.be/PboVOpTyvpg Brand your consultancy. Identify yourself as an expert. Get your teeth into a...

Loving Language
Stephen Fry ranting on loving language. He mentions a few common errors, but also...

Use better words
Writing an auto-responder, sales copy or a blog post? Try these words which convert...

Cindy Tonkin articles
Cindy Tonkin articles for managers, consultants and leaders. Click on the link below to...

Personal shortcomings aren't all bad
I always thought it was best to have NO personal shortcomings as a consultant....