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Use better words

Use better words

Writing an auto-responder, sales copy or a blog post? Try these words which convert...

Cindy Tonkin February 5, 2015
Types of Social Support

Types of Social Support

There are different types of Social Support. EmotionalInstrumentalInformationalAppraisal What kind of support are you...

Cindy Tonkin February 3, 2015
Introverts: a how-to

Introverts: a how-to

If you, like me, are extroverted, it can sometimes be difficult to not feel...

Cindy Tonkin February 3, 2015
Learned Helplessness

Learned Helplessness

Interesting take on Learned Helplessness in organisations: When people believe that their efforts at work don’t...

Cindy Tonkin February 3, 2015
In case of nerves...

In case of nerves...

If you ever find yourself a little nervous before a presentation, interview or client...

Cindy Tonkin January 30, 2015
Smile and be happy

Smile and be happy

How Smiling Changes Your Brain from Fast Company outlines research that says when you smile...

Cindy Tonkin January 29, 2015
You need time!

You need time!

Politically astute people put their time where it matters most. And if they don’t...

Cindy Tonkin January 13, 2015
Greater New Year's Resolutions

Greater New Year's Resolutions

Self-Refinement Through the Wisdom of the Ages: 15 Resolutions for 2015 from Some of...

Cindy Tonkin January 12, 2015
Get some time

Get some time

The most precious commodity in organizational life right now is Time. If you’ve got...

Cindy Tonkin January 12, 2015
Keep your own performance file

Keep your own performance file

Your work achievements lay the foundation for your advance. So make a performance file...

Cindy Tonkin January 11, 2015