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Five Faux Pas That Will Kill Your Client Relationships

Five Faux Pas That Will Kill Your Client Relationships

We all rely on clients for our living. Are you slowly sabotaging those relationships?...

Cindy Tonkin December 12, 2014
Persuade with words: proposals, web pages, introductions

Persuade with words: proposals, web pages, introductions

If you think your proposals could be more persuasive, then here is some very...

Cindy Tonkin December 10, 2014
Do I make the first offer?

Do I make the first offer?

According to research from the marvelous Influence at Work people you should make the...

Cindy Tonkin December 8, 2014
The frame matters

The frame matters When Santa asks a kid "What do you want for Christmas" they choose the...

Cindy Tonkin December 3, 2014
Creative insight needs pauses

Creative insight needs pauses

Creative insight needs pauses. The Key To Creative Insight Can Be Simpler Than You...

Cindy Tonkin September 18, 2014
Get people to do what you want: implied causatives

Get people to do what you want: implied causatives

To get people to do what you want, you can use pacing and leading....

Cindy Tonkin September 15, 2014
Cindy Tonkin articles

Cindy Tonkin articles

Cindy Tonkin articles for managers, consultants and leaders. Click on the link below to...

Cindy Tonkin September 14, 2014
Multiple goal setting

Multiple goal setting

Multiple goal setting can be tricky. We have so many priorities. From the Cialdini...

Cindy Tonkin September 13, 2014
Satir Categories of Gesture

Satir Categories of Gesture

Virginia Satir distinguished some classes of gesture in her family therapy sessions. These are...

Cindy Tonkin August 31, 2014
Depression and Technology

Depression and Technology

I suspect there's a link between depression and technology. As more than one of...

Cindy Tonkin August 27, 2014