10: Mohammad Elteibi - Learn something
Mohammad Elteibi leads a small team who are playing with some lovely data. Here's...

09: Ben Morley-John: Brain food
Ben Morley-John is a major force in Smash Delta. Here's his linked in profile. Here's...

08: Cindy Tonkin and Helen Lawson Williams: Upside down
In this episode Cindy Tonkin (that's me!) is interviewed by Helen Lawson-Williams. Helen has...

07: David Scott: We're the newcomers so we have to make the effort
David Scott has worked in Banking, Telecommunications and in the Public Sector. Right now...

06: Christina Igasto: No failure only lessons
Dr Christina Igasto has a strong background in Analytics applied to Health Care, in...

05: Shailendra Kumar: What's the problem?
Shailendra Kumar is the author of Making Money out of data. It's not an analytics...

04: Sidney Minassian: Have the fight early
Sidney Minassian is an entrepreneur who runs, among other things, Contexti and Actionable Insights A...

03: Elizabeth Moore: Your analytics are only as good as the problem you're trying to solve
Elizabeth Moore is a world-class leader of Insights and Analytics teams in large corporations....

02: Aaron Artery: Values matter
Values matter: Aaron is a decision scientist, and head of Customer Crunch. He's always...

01: Keegan O'Shea: The best data insights are sentences
In this podcast, my very first recorded, you'll hear about how the best data...