Presence and how to improve yours
Sandra knows her stuff. She understands the data. Knows where the holes are and...

Know your boss’ boss’ buttons
You can help your boss by knowing their boss’ buttons. You may not want...

Grow up: Accept the consequences of your actions
So you decided to have kids. You’ll have some days that you won’t be...

Regularly review your own progress
You don’t have to wait for your boss to tell you what you’re doing...

Fit in and stick out
I’ve written many articles about the importance and how to of rapport. The trick...

Make the relationships before you need them
Do it while you’re fresh. Ask advice willy nilly. Make the relationships before you...

Get to know the right people
If you need to have a “role” to be comfortable introducing yourself, then get...

You need mavens
Malcolm Gladwell’s Tipping Point outlined a type of person really important in networking: the...

You need connectors
The other type of person Gladwell considered important to your network are connectors: people...

Networking isn’t sleazing
Networking isn’t sleazing. This tip exists for two reasons: Don’t be sleazy when you...