Do I make the first offer?
According to research from the marvelous Influence at Work people you should make the...
The frame matters When Santa asks a kid "What do you want for Christmas" they choose the...
Get people to do what you want: implied causatives
To get people to do what you want, you can use pacing and leading....
Cindy Tonkin articles
Cindy Tonkin articles for managers, consultants and leaders. Click on the link below to...
Multiple goal setting
Multiple goal setting can be tricky. We have so many priorities. From the Cialdini...
Depression and Technology
I suspect there's a link between depression and technology. As more than one of...
Tell good stories
Telling good stories is a great way to lead, entertain and educate When you start...
Toxic Leaders and CEOs
I'm researching to write my own article for Human Capital Magazine on how to...
Focusing better
Interesting piece suggesting that we can use our multiple screens to our advantage if...
The Unexpected Way To Use Your Social Network Strategically
the best leads for job opportunities are more likely to come from your more...