A Great offsite facilitator
The qualities of a great offsite facilitator are many and varied. When you are...
Corporate problem solving
Corporate problem solving can help you meet your quarterly targets. Solve that niggling supplier problem....
Improv in Business: Working At The Top of Your Intelligence
Recall that moment when you where your most creative, aware, and tuned into the...
Get more from those TED Videos
If you like me watch a lot of videos, you'll be interested in this...
Hell Yeah! or no
Since I've started collecting things about how to make a "no" sound more like...
Saying No is a power...
"I think power is having the freedom to say no to something you don't...
Consulting Team Potential
Your data scientists, analysts and researchers are smart. They can do amazing things. Are you...
You gotta say no sometimes!
We all must say "NO" to our clients sometimes. But how we say it,...
Saying no is the hardest lesson
Was talking to a client about my Make No Sound like Yes program today....
The Consultant who always said "yes"
Whenever I working with smart consultants in my "Make NO sound like YES" program,...