Discovered these flipcharts from my 2005 NLP Practitioner Certification.
I’m amazed at how neat most of the flipcharts are!
The artifacts of past programs are always useful – the other thing which still exists is my NLP practitioner and master practitioner pattern books: you can see them here.
- The 3 legs of NLP
- Advanced Noticing
- Artfully Vague
- Denominalising Suggestion
- Milton Model
- Congruency
- Anchors
- Anchoring Patterns – Summary
- Compelling SMDs
- Change Personal History (CPH)
- Six-Step Reframe
- Robert Dilts’ Ladder
- Dissipative Structures
- Eye Patterns
- Index Computations
- Index Computaions System
- Installing a Part
- Learning Strategies (TOTE’s)
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