Does your team know where you're headed? Are they aware of the strategic priorities...

Sometimes old-fashioned works better: retain what you write down
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Get Smarter and Happier
Turns out exercise makes you smarter. Sweating makes you smile. So go for a walk...

It's because they don't work here!
Ever suggested an idea to your boss and had it rejected or ignored, only...

Criticize with Kindness
How to Criticize with Kindness Is a summary of philosopher Daniel Dennett's book which includes...

Political Advice from a Curmudgeon
Based on the review on Amazon of The Curmudgeon's Guide to Getting Ahead: Dos and...

Personal shortcomings aren't all bad
I always thought it was best to have NO personal shortcomings as a consultant....

Predictor Behind Successful Relationships
The Powerful Predictor Behind Successful Relationships summarises what makes the beginnings and tell-tale signs of...

Shaking hands, an essential political skill!
The first time you meet someone is the time when they make their first...

Most people think they could do a better job than their boss
This Sydney Morning Herald article Anger management: study shows most workers feel they should...