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Smarter change

Consulting Well


Tree and Leaf Decisions

Tree and Leaf Decisions

There is a useful metaphor for decision-making and delegation of authority using a tree....

Cindy Tonkin February 4, 2023
Learning Styles

Learning Styles

Want to train and present more effectively? If you're teaching and no one is...

Cindy Tonkin December 20, 2022


So a lot has been made of the need to curate our attention. Here's...

Cindy Tonkin December 3, 2022
Bad Apples

Bad Apples

Here's some research about poor performers, or "bad apples" and how much they impact...

Cindy Tonkin November 29, 2022
Change models

Change models

This is just a beautiful set of images summarising some important thinking around change...

Cindy Tonkin November 21, 2022
What people don't understand

What people don't understand

Here is a fabulous offsite activity for a team to do. What do people...

Cindy Tonkin November 11, 2022
Strategy tools

Strategy tools

My favourite tools for strategy days include these ones which I have made into...

Cindy Tonkin November 10, 2022
Declutter slides

Declutter slides

Loving this video where slides (from McKinsey no less) are de-cluttered and re-focused

Cindy Tonkin November 10, 2022
Learning from games

Learning from games

This podcast from Jane McGonigal talking to Shane Parrish about online gaming. Jane has...

Cindy Tonkin November 6, 2022
Leaders matter

Leaders matter

Eisenhower said Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you...

Cindy Tonkin October 29, 2022