In Smarter Data People the podcast. I talk with data science leaders about how they work smarter, faster and nicer.
32 Episodes and counting: Click here to listen.
This is my sexy technology: aren’t they lovely mics?

Smarter Data People, the podcast
Be my guest!
If you’d like to be a podcast guest then talk to me. If you’d like to know some reasons why you’d want to be on the Smarter Data People podcast, here are some.
The questions I ask
The questions I ask each time:
- how do you work smarter
- what are your daily routines
- are there particular lessons you’ve learned
- what makes for a better (or worse) data analyst / scientist
- when you recruit what are you looking for and how do you test for it?
- how do you keep up with your own professional development?
- if you were to set up an analytics capability from scratch, what would you do?
- how do you go about explaining complex things to data-naive stakeholders?
- what’s your favourite charity (and why)
- anything else you think is relevant
After it’s recorded I’ll get my audio guy to cut out the umms and ahs and weird interruptions (there are always some), and then you’ll get a version to edit. The guest gets final cut.
If you need to get it approved
If you need to run it past corporate it works best to record, and then send the “semi-final” version to them. It is easier for them to approve something tangible. They usually ask to kill just a few minutes. If you go to them with the principle of the idea they are more likely to say no. Take them something real, and they’ll be more likely to approve it.
If you’re interested in being my guest, please just click here and schedule a 10 minute call at your convenience so we can talk about it!