Escalate Well
In many offices, being politically astute means knowing when and what to escalate to...

Know what your customer cares about
Getting ahead and building your reputation is hard if you give your customers marshmallows...

You don't have to play, but you need to know the rules if you want to stay off the field!
You don't have to love office politics. You don't have to play office politics....

Decide quickly!
You want them to decide quickly. Why do some clients take so long to...

Cindy Tonkin articles
Cindy Tonkin articles for managers, consultants and leaders. Click on the link below to...

Motivating clients
Motivating clients to buy, to make a decision, or to follow your suggestions is...

7 tips on Presenting your case: Cindy's article published in Canada
Mortage Broker News in Canada picked up an article I wrote for Mortgage Professional...

Basic flowcharting
These are the basics of flowcharting. For more information, on why you’d want to...

What to charge - an email exchange
Franco is just starting out in consulting. He’s got lots of questions. On how to...

Finding more and better clients
OK, so you know a lot about improving other people’s businesses. Why not take...