Hybrid meetings
In my experience as a trainer, facilitator and also as a participant in meetings,...

Brain hemispheres
The right and left brain distinctions made years ago have been debunked, and yet...

Psychological trust seems to be a strong buzzword at the moment. In this podcast...

Innovation: play or make it hard (or both?)
Innovation isn’t always easy to discover. Here are two different approaches: make it harder,...

This podcast came through my ears today. Adam Grant and John Amaechi What defines...

Tips for online workshops and meetings
Here's some stuff which I found to help you work more effectively with the...

Your new job may not yet exist
Here's an interesting set of facts pulled from this MIT report by Bruce Daisley...

Don't be a bureaucrat
Check out how to not be a bureaucrat (and by extension change the bureaucracy you're...

Bursty teams
Bursts of rapid communication, followed by longer periods of silence, are telltale signs of...

As COVID-19 and working from home has settled into the new normal, I have...