There are no mistakes in improvisation
Mistakes are only mistakes because we don't listen and adjust to incorporate them, says...
Stuck, an allegory disguised a children's book
When you listen to Stuck, a story about "solving a growing problem by throwing...
Charlie Todd: The shared experience of absurdity
Charlie Todd: The shared experience of absurdity :
Help clients help themselves
It's important to get clients on board, complying with your suggestions and being part...
We crave creativity but reject creative ideas
Truly creative ideas produce uncertainty. So while we say we want it, we're afraid...
We all know it - get moving!
The more I read, the more I think we already know what we need...
"Play is not just joyful and energizing, it's also deeply involved in developing humans...
The future...
"The future of the planet is becoming less about being efficient, producing more stuff...
Improvisation is compelling
improvisation comedy... involves people making very sophisticated decisions on the spur of the moment,...
Doodle and Retain
I just watched this 5:15 ted talk from Sunni Brown about doodling.She says that...