Inspiration For Leaders, Learners and Self-improvers
Get motivated. I came upon this cool site this week: a series of great...

How your brain works!
Knowing how your brain works is key to living a healthy, happy, productive life....

First Impressions
Students learned more from teachers who were seen in the thin slices as having...

How to Read A Book
I have always read. Since I was small. When I was 8 I would...

Cindy Tonkin on video
Cindy Tonkin spoke at Ignite Sydney in March 2015. If haven’t seen Ignite yet,...

Cindy Tonkin articles
Cindy Tonkin articles for managers, consultants and leaders. Click on the link below to...

The Spelling Secret
If you're a creative speller then you'll be surprised by this way of learning...

NLP Presuppositions
NLP Presuppositions are the underlying principles behind how NLPers think. They're not necessarily true,...

Pluralistic Ignorance
Pluralistic ignorance: Sometimes you know the answer, but you don’t want to say it...

Daphne Koller: What we're learning from online education
Great TED talk Daphne Koller: What we're learning from online education And here's an article on engaging...