Ways of working
Love these graphic interpretations of ideas like Psychological safety, feedback, conflict and failure. And...

Come together
https://youarenotsosmart.com/2024/10/15/yanss-298-why-one-psychologist-believes-the-tribal-instincts-that-divide-us-can-be-leveraged-to-help-bring-us-together/ This podcast has a very interesting take on how we make tribes happen:...

Sorry happens
I've posted before about how to apologise, this podcast, Episode 214 of No Stupid...

Teams that don't suck
This Adam Grant podcast pleased me greatly. It centred around designing teams that don't...

Changing thoughts
I've been accumulating little tips and tricks about how I make change happen in...

You know what, there are always 2 types of people. Which type are you?...

Delegating well
Been collecting ideas around delegation for a little while. Here's some of the good...

Change is a Safety Risk
So this happened in Victoria recently. Inadequate change management is the cause, they say....

Sorry and arguments
In our current world where people hold extreme views and seem to need to...

Questions for Feedback
Getting performance feedback is difficult in a number of different ways. If you ask...