Tree and Leaf Decisions
There is a useful metaphor for decision-making and delegation of authority using a tree....

Learning Styles
Want to train and present more effectively? If you're teaching and no one is...

Leaders matter
Eisenhower said Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you...

Don't be boring
Great video on how not to be boring in conversation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yifQZm602IY

Design Thinking primer
Here's a very useful design thinking primer in case you need one.

Ask for a raise
This podcast interviewing Tessa West, who wrote a book entitled Jerks at Work...

Power from Pfeffer
I read Jeffrey Pfeffer's book Power: why some people have it and others don't...

Inform, influence or what?
Love this on when to influence and when to inform

Trust, Power, Respect
I picked up some gems from this Farnam Street podcast where Shane Parrish interviews...

Make "no" sound like yes - some ideas
Here's a new resource in pdf I just developed which is all about how...