Detail People - love 'em!
Detail people: They can drive you crazy, or you can love them. Here’s how...

Creative Teams - 7 elements they all share
What elements do creative teams share? Innovation Emerges over Time Successful Collaborative Teams Practice...

How much to Charge... a recurring theme
Marcus joined my newsletter and asks me a question I cannot answer, but it's...

Great questions to ask someone you just met
Here are some excellent questions to ask people you’ve just met. I found the...

Politics of Conferences
This Seth Godin post about what makes a conference work poses an interesting dilemma. If you...

Practical tips for problem solving
Problems. We all have them. How to make cash flow this month. When to...

3 Questions To Change The World
Love a good question! Three (Incredibly Simple) Questions The Most Successful People Use To...

What does strategy mean?
Words are imprecise. Frances told her boss I want to work on more "strategic"...

Problem solving tips
Problem solving tips for you. Mortgage Professional Australia published this article Practical Tips for Problem...

What Makes Top Performers Better?
If you're excellent at what you do, then coaching may make you better. But coaching...