Models for changing minds
Ultimately organisational change is what I've been doing my entire professional life. Initially as...

Tips for online workshops and meetings
Here's some stuff which I found to help you work more effectively with the...

Coaching preparation
Here are some coaching preparation questions you can ponder if you wish: What do...

Manage time using Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)
Manage time using Business Process Re-engineering (BPR). BPR your life takes the principles of...

Seven Good Reasons to Document What You Do*
Here are seven good reasons to document what you do. You’re busy! You know...

Consulting to your strengths
Rebecca asked: I'd like to know about… working out how to focus on personal...

Branding: writing a book
https://youtu.be/PboVOpTyvpg Brand your consultancy. Identify yourself as an expert. Get your teeth into a...

Problem solving tips
Problem solving tips for you. Mortgage Professional Australia published this article Practical Tips for Problem...