Make meetings effective: set an outcome! When every meeting has an outcome then every meeting is focused.
You can make meetings shorter, and you can feel a sense of achievement when they are done.
Meeting outcomes are specific to the meeting, the client, and where you’re up to in the project.
Choose just 1 outcome for each meeting.

Remember that outcomes can be covert.
Choose one of these to make your meeting more effective
Here some thought starters.
With a new client:
- Get them to like you, know you, trust you
- Find out what they know (or not)
- Get a handle on their experience in this kind of project
- Understand their business
- Get perspective and context for the project
- Discover stakeholders
- Know if anything has changed since the last time we spoke
And for clients you’ve known a while, choose one of these
With a repeat client:
- Ferret out any issues with previous work you’ve done for them
- Establish who’s who this time around
- Find out what things have changed since last time you spoke
- Establish challenges
- Find opportunities for more work
- Discover relevant information for the project on their outcomes, ambitions, values, work demands, career goals
For more tips on how to make meetings more effective follow the links below: