Gatekeepers and such
Gatekeepers can make or break your consultancy assignment: gatekeepers are usually authorised to say...

Good vs Great Data Scientist
One of the things that separates a good data scientist from a great data...

Leaders in Analytics
Last night I listened to a panel of Analytics Leaders at IAPA. Matt Kuperholz,...

Psychological Safety
Psychological safety builds resilient teams. The Two Traits of the best problem-solving teams is...

Asking questions: Getting context
Since all meaning is contextual then asking questions is one of the best ways...

Asking great questions: some notes
I’m updating my Asking Great Questions / Excellent questions program. Here are some key...

Life is not a rehearsal! Start improvising!
Team building for your smart team. You just never know what to expect when...

One Key To A Happy Team?
Keeping teams happy can be tricky. Will these keys work for your team? Storytelling...

Procrastination Is Literally Killing You
If you tend to put it off, consider your health. “chronic procrastinators avoid taking...

A feedback option that works
You want to get feedback so you can improve. But it's hard to take...