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Consulting Well


Motivate yourself!

Motivate yourself!

It’s not talent that distinguishes the great from the also-ran. It’s motivation. Here are:...

Cindy Tonkin April 11, 2018
Say no

Say no

Say no. Do less and obsess is the first of 7 principles that top...

Cindy Tonkin April 5, 2018
Improvisation makes your team smarter, faster, nicer

Improvisation makes your team smarter, faster, nicer

Improv is now a subject in MBAs, a way to improve field service, scientific...

Cindy Tonkin April 4, 2018
The Podcast

The Podcast

In Smarter Data People the podcast. I talk with data science leaders about how...

Cindy Tonkin April 4, 2018
Purpose and making money from art?

Purpose and making money from art?

It seems a popular idea that you can do what you love and the...

Cindy Tonkin April 3, 2018
Make Emotions Less Emotional

Make Emotions Less Emotional

When I ran my improv session for the Australasian Facilitators' Network Conference recently, I...

Cindy Tonkin March 21, 2018
Get the best money

Get the best money

You get what you negotiate. This article will help you negotiate salary, benefits, your...

Cindy Tonkin March 19, 2018
Better Ways to Negotiate

Better Ways to Negotiate

You get what you negotiate. Whether you're negotiating a deadline, bed time or a...

Cindy Tonkin March 17, 2018
You gotta say what THEY think

You gotta say what THEY think

There's a lot of pressure on a hostage negotiator. Pressure to make the guy...

Cindy Tonkin March 15, 2018
Concentrate (don't multi-task)

Concentrate (don't multi-task)

I've been running a leadership program for the past year or so. I do...

Cindy Tonkin March 15, 2018