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Consulting Well


The Dullest, Most Vital Skill

The Dullest, Most Vital Skill

According to this well-documented post, the Dullest, Most Vital Skill You Need to Become...

Cindy Tonkin August 21, 2014
Tell good stories

Tell good stories

Telling good stories is a great way to lead, entertain and educate When you start...

Cindy Tonkin July 30, 2014
Toxic Leaders and CEOs

Toxic Leaders and CEOs

I'm researching to write my own article for Human Capital Magazine on how to...

Cindy Tonkin July 14, 2014
Focusing better

Focusing better

Interesting piece suggesting that we can use our multiple screens to our advantage if...

Cindy Tonkin July 14, 2014
Motivating clients

Motivating clients

Motivating clients to buy, to make a decision, or to follow your suggestions is...

Cindy Tonkin July 12, 2014
Talking so people listen

Talking so people listen

Julian Treasure gives a leisurely and informative talk which encompasses the 7 deadly sins...

Cindy Tonkin July 11, 2014
The Unexpected Way To Use Your Social Network Strategically

The Unexpected Way To Use Your Social Network Strategically

the best leads for job opportunities are more likely to come from your more...

Cindy Tonkin July 11, 2014
What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast

What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast

Consulting is the perfect business to carve out a lifestyle that works for you....

Cindy Tonkin July 11, 2014
Use your password as an affirmation

Use your password as an affirmation

How a password changed one man's life for the better - Health - offers...

Cindy Tonkin July 10, 2014
Managing Your Day And Finding Focus

Managing Your Day And Finding Focus

"The hardest attention to focus is your own". An 18-Minute Plan for Managing Your...

Cindy Tonkin July 7, 2014