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Political Advice from a Curmudgeon

Political Advice from a Curmudgeon

Based on the review on Amazon of The Curmudgeon's Guide to Getting Ahead: Dos and...

Cindy Tonkin March 17, 2014
Personal shortcomings aren't all bad

Personal shortcomings aren't all bad

I always thought it was best to have NO personal shortcomings as a consultant....

Cindy Tonkin March 12, 2014
Predictor Behind Successful Relationships

Predictor Behind Successful Relationships

The Powerful Predictor Behind Successful Relationships summarises what makes the beginnings and tell-tale signs of...

Cindy Tonkin March 10, 2014
Shaking hands, an essential political skill!

Shaking hands, an essential political skill!

The first time you meet someone is the time when they make their first...

Cindy Tonkin March 10, 2014
Most people think they could do a better job than their boss

Most people think they could do a better job than their boss

This Sydney Morning Herald article Anger management: study shows most workers feel they should...

Cindy Tonkin February 20, 2014
Say yes for Happiness and no for Success

Say yes for Happiness and no for Success

The Two Words That Will Lead You To Success And Happiness summarises a lot...

Cindy Tonkin February 3, 2014
Mean Professor Tells Student to “get your sh*t together”

Mean Professor Tells Student to “get your sh*t together”

This example from the University systems (possibly an urban legend) makes many of us...

Cindy Tonkin February 1, 2014
Pre-mortems - better strategy and planning!

Pre-mortems - better strategy and planning!

Got a group who don't like to think strategically, but prefer to stay "in...

Cindy Tonkin January 24, 2014
A bit of fun! Hand gestures to make you look like an intellectual

A bit of fun! Hand gestures to make you look like an intellectual

In Presentation Mastery I teach Virginia Satir's Categories of gesture. It can make a...

Cindy Tonkin January 24, 2014
Multi-tasking sucks your time and your brain space!

Multi-tasking sucks your time and your brain space!

Multi-tasking - reading mail while in a meeting, responding to the ping of an...

Cindy Tonkin January 24, 2014