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Consulting Well


Five Millennial Myths

Five Millennial Myths

How do you manage millennials well? Five Millennial Myths gives some tips focus on making sure they...

Cindy Tonkin April 3, 2012
Saying no Nicely: Managing Expectations for Internal Consultants

Saying no Nicely: Managing Expectations for Internal Consultants

Internal Consultants have a difficult time of it: internal customers can perceive them as...

Cindy Tonkin March 28, 2012
Telling Stories to Make Change

Telling Stories to Make Change

Stories can make change.Find out how with anternal Consulting Program. Sometimes you want to...

Cindy Tonkin March 27, 2012
Creativity And Dishonesty Go hand in hand

Creativity And Dishonesty Go hand in hand

Oh, this can't be great news: Science Says Creativity And Dishonesty Go Hand In Hand...

Cindy Tonkin March 21, 2012
Low-Cost Ways To Show Employees They're Highly Valued

Low-Cost Ways To Show Employees They're Highly Valued

A useful list of Low-Cost Ways To Show Employees They're Highly Valued . For more...

Cindy Tonkin March 12, 2012
The clues to a great story

The clues to a great story

Stories are the lifeblood of great communications and used by all great communicators. Here's Andrew...

Cindy Tonkin March 7, 2012
What does strategy mean?

What does strategy mean?

Words are imprecise. Frances told her boss I want to work on more "strategic"...

Cindy Tonkin February 15, 2012
Maximum ROI From Saying "Thanks"

Maximum ROI From Saying "Thanks"

Research on acknowledging (vs ignoring) people's work tells us it's important to say thanks,...

Cindy Tonkin February 14, 2012
When brainstorming can work

When brainstorming can work

Brainstorming is one of those workaday solutions for many many offsites and away days....

Cindy Tonkin February 1, 2012
Listening is the willingness to change

Listening is the willingness to change

Entertaining 10:50 video from Dave Morris, a Canadian improviser. He describes the "way of...

Cindy Tonkin January 10, 2012