Win more work!
There are no online seminars scheduled at the moment. Try the blog posts and...
Should I buy a list to market to?
Phil asked Hi Cindy I live in Sydney and am starting out as a...
Starting up a design consultancy
Tips on starting your own design consultancy, many of which apply to any kind...
Make that website pay off
Your web site should be more than just a brochure. As a consultant you...
Everything web you can have for free...
Free things to help you set up More than 400 Awesome Free Things for...
Legalese and contracts you can understand
When we draft terms and conditions for client assignments it's good to take into...
Offsite business planning days
So big organisations have regular "offsite" planning days (I know, not just because a...
Questions for a new entrepreneur
Seth Godin is a legend. His thinking around how we market ourselves as consultants...
Six questions for analyzing a website
Your website does what a brochure used to do. I'm still not convinced that...
Writing Proposals
Writing proposals can be tough. I try to avoid it as much as possible....