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Smarter change

data scientists


You don't have to play, but you need to know the rules if you want to stay off the field!

You don't have to play, but you need to know the rules if you want to stay off the field!

You don't have to love office politics. You don't have to play office politics....

Cindy Tonkin January 1, 2015
Cindy Tonkin articles

Cindy Tonkin articles

Cindy Tonkin articles for managers, consultants and leaders. Click on the link below to...

Cindy Tonkin September 14, 2014
70:20:10 learning strategy needs you to understand politics!

70:20:10 learning strategy needs you to understand politics!

Politics and learning influence each other. Charles Jenning’s comments in the video below that “managing”...

Cindy Tonkin June 25, 2013
The impossible client

The impossible client

Impossible clients: What they want just can’t happen.  They want to pay you less....

Cindy Tonkin March 13, 2013