And more no
My ongoing collection of ways to say no, now includes Austin Kleon's collection of...

Storytelling for Bold Change
Recently read this article in Harvard Business Review about storytelling and change. Here are...

Emails: be quick
This article confirms what we already know: people are more likely to read and...

Writing procedures people use
Fred is one of those "lucky" consultants who makes sustainable workplace change. Part of...

Link it to purpose and people will do more
This research from Adam Grant on fundraising shows how much more effective it can...

How minds change - a primer
I've been working through the podcast You are Not So Smart by David McRaney....

Get promoted
It's important to know how to get ahead and get promoted. I wrote a...

Appreciating people
I've been running a Basecamp Leadership workshop for the human enterprise for a while...

To like or not to like
So clients need to like us. Here are some things that don't work so...

Women have to interrupt
This interesting research done in escape room interactions shows that women don't always get...