Terms and Conditions Template
Gopi just emailed me to ask for a terms and conditions template. Here is...

How do I get into consulting?
Jaymin says: I am a final year undergraduate in a prestigious college in India....

What can I charge for?
I got an email today from Sophie who asked: What can I charge for?...

Do I need an abn? On ABNs: Hi Cindy. I have been asked to...

What I can deduct on my tax?
This morning I got an email from Patty, who is just starting out in...

What to charge for training consultants
Every now and then one of my friends asks me a question about how...

The Call That Could Get You Hired
If you want that new assignment, that new job role, that business opportunity you...

Stay Cheerful: 89 things to do between consulting assignments
In my ongoing quest to serve the consulting community, I've been asking people when...

Consulting websites – some minimums
Every consultant eventually needs a website these days: I'd even go so far as...

Some hard questions for us all...
I am an unabashed Seth Godin fan. Here are his 16 questions for free...