Your consulting web page came up in the Vital Must-dos before you quit your job webinar last week. The question was whether you needed one or not.
In essence you need some kind of web presence, but having a full blown consulting web page does nothing if no one ever looks at it (and I can tell you, many consulting web pages are never seen except by your mum or kids doing school projects).
The consulting web page you have when you’re not having a web page
Brandyourself is one option that isn’t a full web page. It focuses on you as an individual (not a business name). It’s a single web page, it’s easy to do yourself, it gives you an online presence. If you don’t want a web page, this could be the web page you have without having a web page. is mine… (and probably needs an update), but brandyourself is a product that might work for you at the beginning of yur consulting journey. Brand Yourself also help you optimise posts that are about you and bury posts which are about that other person who has your name (it was founded by a guy who had the same name as a convicted serial killer).
And other quick and easy consulting web page options
Other one page consulting web pages you could consider include a single page at:
a facebook page
your linked in profile.
If the URLs are ugly, use or similar to make it shorter.
Check out my other blog posts on consulting web pages here.