Dr Christina Igasto has a strong background in Analytics applied to Health Care, in Sweden and across the world. Her PhD is in Artificial Intelligence. She is now in Australia. Here’s her background on Linked in.
Big ideas from this podcast:
- the intricacies and multi-layered complexities of digital transformation in government agencies
- Christina’s approach to presenting complex ideas to senior execs and boards: how she uses top-down and bottom-up comms
- maths and stats matters to be a good data analyst, but there’s more to it: how do you solve problems, and how do you explain how you solved it
- in recruiting, part of the story is whether the new data scientists fit in with the rest of the team
- her experience in teaching AI and image analysis for 9 years in a University in Sweden: when presenting information to an audience different people will respond differently when they are “lost”
- importance of keeping data and research fresh
- how she uses challenges to keep herself committed to her health regime
- why “failures” aren’t failures but lessons
- her impressions of Australia and Australian business
For more links see the podcast episode here.
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