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Smarter change

Making the complex simple

If you have a lot of useful information to present to your client, but much of it is technical, check out informationisbeautiful.

Especially this chart where they present the benefits of health supplements like green tea and fish oil and vitamin d, based on the evidence. It’s colour coded and spatially differentiated – supplements with better evidence are dark blue and closer to the top, poor evidence is pale beige and closer to the bottom of the chart.


The picture is not only pleasing to the eye, it gives you an overview of the research outcomes, without you needing to be a technical expert.


The size of each pretty looking bubble is based on how often it shows up in google searches; radio buttons slice the data by condition (heart disease, cancer, arthritis) .


And they even show you the original spreadsheet on google docs.
While we need to know that the data we present to clients is valid and useful, sometimes they just need a rich and pretty picture.
How are you beautifying your data?

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